13 January 2014

A simple granny shell and sc....

Combination of granny shells and a sc in stripes...simple but effective.
in Sylecraft Classique Cotton and  4mm hook

or Stylecraft Special DK and a 4mm hook
Decided to finsihing the neck, front, hem band on the coat and the NO CHOCOLATE didn't last long...someoe naughty bought a box of Quality Street home didn't they.
The no sugar in y tea is still going ok though. lol


  1. really effective!!!! I love the stitches and the colours, too!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  2. Love the result of this and how colourful it is !!
    Great inspiration ! thanks for sharing !

  3. Very attractive pattern! Never mind about the chocolate ban! Just enjoy it, but shout around your intentions a little louder next time! Hihi!

    1. Hi Sandra thanks, Phil's fault the chocolate went stray lol x

  4. Beautiful! and easy enough for beginners too!

    1. Hi Rhondda thanks..very easy x

    2. Beginner here! Ok, it looks like granny clusters w/no ch 1 between sets of 3dc. Am I right?

    3. Hi Maschele..yes the original granny shell had no chain stitches between except 3 chain in the corners. X

    4. Thank you, Sue. I really think that row of sc at the top of each granny row totally makes a whole new look. I really like it! Especially repeated as a pattern like you've done.

  5. Oooo! That's pretty! Is it the end of a scarf? It's gorgeous, whatever it is! But, how do you pick the colors? I know about color charts and that sort of thing, but these appear to be so random in nature...and still, they work! Better than just "work", they pop! It can take me days to decide what the next color should be. And I am constantly having to unravel color disasters. Is it an experience thing?

    1. Hi Maschelle thanks mmm! could be just an experiment really.
      Picking colours? what ever i like with the last colour really...some are just natural at picking the right colour I'm afraid it's been a lifetime of learning for me lol x

  6. well live and learn they say! Being a beginner, I have a bit of time ahead of me to 'learn from experience'! I'll stick to what I do right now. I hold The WIP in both hands, and pass it in front of every skein of my yarn (its stacked)until a color just 'belongs'. It looks so 'right', that when I move the WIP away from it and up to the next color in line, the new combo looks horribly wrong, and you instantly go back to that previous color and it looks right again. The 'off' color combo actually seems to offend the senses (like a bad taste or smell). Probably a good thing I can't afford to stock up on a large amount of yarn, or it would take me a long time with each new color. LOL!

  7. Hi, ya'll, I love this pattern and look forward to trying it. I am always looking for something different to learn in crochet. And I understand choosing colors can be difficult. I am rather conservative that way. But my youngest daughter (an artist) inspires me to try new combinations that are sometimes quite surprising.
    The comment about 'no sugar in the tea' is very familiar. I am trying but it works for some flavors but not for others. I currently have a collection of about 35 flavors. And most of them must have a little milk or cream added also. I like the taste and it keeps me from burning my mouth. A lot of people drink iced tea here in Texas, but I prefer hot.
    Also one must keep some chocolate on hand to help stop the burning in your mouth after enjoying some hot, spicy Mexican dishes.
