03 August 2012

Fair Isle Mandala Pattern and pictures

As promised the Mandala Pattern
Before I start, there is a couple of things you need to know when working POST STITCH in the round,
SOME TIMES I have used the post stitch as an increase stitch but mostly it is a replacement stitch.

4mm hook and Cotton DK. USA terms.

The pattern is quite long and detailed, so I am splitting it into three posts today and tomorrow for the front and the back on Monday.

Shout if you need any help and let me know if I written something that doesn't make sense .
I had run out of some colours so used a replacement from the original Blue and Green one
Fair Isle Mandala Pattern
Chain 4 and sl st into a circle
Round 1: 12dc into the circle, sl st to complete round
Round 2: 1dc in every space with 1ch between each.  (24 sts)

Round 3: 3dc, in each space, sl st to complete. (36 sts)

Round 4: sc in first space, ch3,sc into second space, repeat to complete round sl st to finish (12 chain loops)
attach yarn in spoke space as picture above

Round 5: 4dc in each chain loop with a chain between OOPS! MY APOLOGIES YOU ARE RIGHT THERE SHOULD BE A CHAIN BETWEEN HERE
Round 6: 5dc in each space 2ch between
Round 7: 3dc in each space and 3dc in 3rd dc of the round before

Round 8: sc in every stitch (72 sts)

Round 9: Attach yarn one stitch away from the space in 2 rounds below as picture below
do 1sc in 2 more stitches (3total)
1st tr post stitch (2yo, 3 pull though's) 
into the middle dc 3 rounds down
complete the dc (2yo, 3 pull though's)
this round is an increase round so don't miss the sc stitch behind the post, do 1sc in next 3 sts, (including the one behind the post st)
The next post st is a tr post st (3yo, 4 pull through's) though 2 posts, ( middle 2dc of 4 rounds down
repeat this pattern to complete the round (96 sts)

(12dc post sts, 12tr post sts, and 72 sc) total 96 sts

Round 10: sc in every stitch (96sts) at this stage it could look a tiny bit frilly..dont worry.

Round 11: Attach yarn one stitch before the tr post st as picture below
do 3 sc, dc post st, into the first st of 2 rounds down that are visible 
as picture below
complete the dc, 
this round is NOT an increase round so the dc post st, is a replacement st, so miss the sc st, 
behind the post st, 
1sc, in next 3 stitches

repeat dc post st, in the same st of the next section and every section until the round is complete
picture below show the st that is replaced by the dc post st.
sl st to complete the round (24post sts, 3 sc between 96sts in total)
Round 12: dc in every stitch (96sts)
Round 13: sc in every stitch (96sts)
Hope you can all understand the pattern so far


  1. Suz,
    Thank you for sharing this lovely mandala "How-To."
    Eileen :)

  2. Thanks for the great directions! I can't wait for a chance to sit down this weekend and give this a try! :)

  3. That is looking so pretty - thanks for sharing your pattern with us. :)

  4. Ooh can't wait to try it. Thanks for making this tutorial Suz!!

  5. I know what I'll be doing tonight. It looks beautiful, thanks for the tutorial.

    Ali x

  6. It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

    Groetjes, Monique

  7. Sooooo pretty! What a sweetheart you are to share the pattern! Thank you, thank you!

  8. Hello Suz, thanks for this beautiful mandala pattern. I've already started it and have finished up to row 8. I think I need to come back with a fresh head to the "difficult looking" part!
    I have a question: in row 5, you don't mention doing a ch 1 between each set of 4dc, though it looks as if there is one and I tried it without and my work curled up, so I undid the row and added the ch1.
    So far, it's looking GORGEOUS, though I'm a bit scared of the next part. I don't really understand the post stitch which I have to try and work out and practice!
    I hope to keep up before you post the next part! Sandra

    1. Just mail you feel free to add a chain st if you need to, your tension is tighter than mine then, and hope it doesn't cause you oproblems later on as there is no increase for quite a while and mine only just begins to cur, than an increase round and it all flattens out again, will be intering to see how you get on
      Hugs x

    2. My mistake you are right, I missed the chain st out when writing the pattern on the blog so so sorry
      Only just checked
      Amended the pattern thanks for pointing it out, middle of the night when i did the post is my only excuse sorry again x
      hugs xx

    3. Great, great pattern. One suggestion, though, for row 6: instead of 5 dc into the row 4 space, I put 2dc/1ch/2dc. Makes row 7 smoother and rounder, and gives an even easier place to put the 3dc's of row 7. Whaddayathink?

  9. Thanks, Suz. I can't wait to start this.

  10. Very nice Mandala! Thank you for the tutorial!

  11. Thanks for this. I agree with Sandra ch1 is needed between sets of 4dc.

    1. Hi Dee
      Just mailed Sandra with same, if your tension is tight (mine is loose) then feel free to add a ch st, hope your tight tension doesn't cause you problem later on 'cos there are a lot of rounds with no increase and mine only slightly curls and then there is an increase and it all flattens out again, will be interesting to hear what happens
      Have fun
      Hugs x

    2. My mistake you are right, I missed the chain st out when writing the pattern on the blog so so sorry hugs xx

  12. ♥

    Thank you for sharing!!


  13. Thanks everyone and fab to hear you are already giving it a go, cant wait to see your versions
    Part 2 tonight
    Hugs to all xx

  14. Oh this is going to be one of my future projects. I just need to get some colorful yarn before trying this one out. Thanks for the great photo tutorial.

  15. Moro no brasil e fiquei encantada com seus trabalhos em croche.

  16. Great ! Thank you very much for this fantastic tutorial !!!
    Nice day

  17. I just found your blog through a link on Pinterest. Your work is beautiful and thanks for sharing so many tutorials!

  18. Thank you and hope you enjoy the tutorials
    Hugs x

  19. Hello, and thanks for what is looking like a great mandala so far! One suggestion as I hit row 6, I made a change to the 5dc's into the space. Instead, put 2dc/1ch/2dc, which made the circle smoother, rounder, and gave an easy place to insert the 3dc's in that space on the next round. Whaddayathink?

    1. Hi what ever is best for you, nothing carved in stone....love to hear people are thinking about patterns and not just copying and wondering why something isn't working for them.....everyone crochets with different tensions and yarns are all different too even within the same brand.
      Great to hear you solved your problem perfectly
      Hugs x

  20. Beautiful! THANKS!
    Where can I find part two ( rounds 14 - 23 plus the shell edging) ?

    1. Thank you...the following post click the header and it will take you to the last post just scroll down until you find it...you might see other things on the way you like too
      Hugs x

  21. Made it yesterday, thanks so much for sharing this great tutorial! :)
    I posted pictures here:

    1. Hi..left you a comment fabulous well done glad you enjoyed it
      Hugs x

  22. Wonderful! I just finished part of it. I'm gonna use it as the base of a Dream Catcher. Thank you so much for this easy to follow patern.

    1. Hi Toni...you're welcome, a dream catcher send me a link so I can see when it's finished
      Thanks x

  23. Hi Suz, thanks for the pattern which is so easy to follow. I was going to save it and try it out during the holiday but couldn't resist it, so have completed it up to row 13 while watching TV tonight! I've used oranges, reds and lime greens for mine so will show you next time I see you. I love your colour choices! Hugs :)

    1. Hi Lesley, lol great I'll look forward to seeing it soon I hope...whit week? Probably the next holiday.
      It's not too hard a pattern just looks a bit complicated i think.
      Bee finished over the weekend then lol
      Hugs x
